• How to sleep better at night

    We all know how important sleep is?! If not then it’s something to delve into, because guess what? Sleep is one of the most important factor for us humans to operate, rejuvenate our body and be the best we can be.

    Having enough good quality sleep heals our body and it rejuvenates our body and cells. Some people wakes up tired without no real reason? Yes, because we induce lot of thing subconsciously while we are sleeping.

    I would list out few key points to apply into daily routine to have overall quality of life improved.

    1.Having a meal at least 3-4 hours before sleeping.

    Make sure you have a meal at least 3-4 hours before your night sleep. Especially, if you are eating meals that includes meat than it’s very important to make sure your meal is fully digested before you sleep. Food that is not digested before sleep becomes toxic for the body.

    If your meal is digested before you sleep, you would surely have relaxing sleep because our digestive system is also at rest and it does not have to overwork while rest of the body is sleep.

    2.Have shower before sleeping.

    If you get into the habit of having a quick shower before you sleep, it will add up to your quality of sleep. Having cold or warm shower before your sleep washes up everyday stress psychologically and also removed any toxins we may have gathered from the environment.

    3. No Screens before sleeping.

    In todays era, without phone, computer, laptops, iPad etc we can not imagine our lives.

    If we get into the habit of making sure we are not looking at any sort of electronic screens at least 45 before going for a night sleep. If improves the eye function and our brain can relax before falling a sleep.

    4. Drink few sips of water before sleeping.

    Drinking few sips of water before sleeping is beneficial in removing toxins from our body after a restful sleep. Once we go to toilet after we wake up, with urine we flush our toxins from the body.

    • Dim the lights in the evenings.
    • Have at least 7-8 hours of sleep.
    • Don’t go to bed while you are not sleepy.
    • Keep a consistent sleep schedule. Get up at the same time every day, even on weekends or during vacations.
    • Make your bedroom quiet and relaxing. Keep the room at a comfortable, cool temperature.

    Hope this helps in achieving better night sleep and improve the quality of your life.

  • 5 Foods For Hair growth

    Healthy Foods
    Photo by Daria Shevtsova on Pexels.com

    Having beautiful and healthy hair is everyone’s dream. Today we will talk about some foods to include in the diet which are highly beneficial in healthy hair growth and overall hair health.

    Many of us have problems with our hair, some people would complain about having thin hair, some would complain about hair fall while others will struggle with actual hair growth.

    Important nutrients that contribute to healthy hair are Vitamin A, B, C, D, E, K, Iron, Zinc, and Protein.


    Avocado is also called a superfood; it contains much healthy nutrition such as Vitamin C, E, and K. It also contains Zinc, adding half avocado in breakfast every day improves overall hair quality and contributes towards healthy hair.


    Carrots are a great source of Beta-carotene, Carrots contain vitamin A, a nutrient that will condition your scalp. this might help combat hair loss. There’s limited research to support this aspect. According to a case study, vitamin A deficiency usually results in sparse and dry hair.

    Especially carrot juice is highly beneficial for hair growth and hair health.


    Beetroot is surely one of the most healthy and nutritious vegetables that can be used in many ways.

    Consuming beetroot regularly promotes optimum blood circulation and maintain a healthy scalp. Beetroot juice helps to absorb all the nutrients. Antioxidants present in beetroot are beneficial to promote hair growth and stop hair fall.


    Including an egg in your everyday diet works like a miracle for overall health and hair health.

    Eggs are full of protein and zinc which promotes hair health in no time, applying raw egg as a hair mask can be also greatly beneficial for the scalp. A healthy scalp promotes healthy hair.

    Citrus Fruits

    Citrus fruits are a great source of Vitamin C, which is particularly important for blood circulation in the body, having at least one to two citrus fruits daily does promote hair health.

    Oranges, Mandarin, Lemon juice, Apples, Strawberries are great to add in your daily diet and are widely available.

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    Pranayama Yoga – Beginner Start

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